Preparing for Job Interviews

  • February 15, 2019

Job interviews are, quite understandably, a source of anxiety for many. Your whole future could change based on the outcome, so the stakes are high, but you’re submitting what feels like your whole personal and professional self for judgement by strangers. It’s hard not to take the result personally.

You can turn the whole day around be preparing properly. Knowing you’ve done your utmost to arrive feeling ready and confident could make all the difference in the world, not just helping you perform better, but feel better, whatever happens.

Dress the Part

Make sure you have your interview outfit ready in advance: waking up the morning of a job interview and realising you don’t have a clean shirt to wear starts the day off badly, with a feeling panic.

Make sure you know what appropriate clothing is: if you’re interviewing at an older, established company, then a conservative suit will help you look like you belong, but for a young start up, you can afford to be personal and relaxed. Break out that Blood Brother sweatshirt and show you know what style looks like.

Where Are You Going?

There’s nothing worse than running late for a job interview and realising you don’t actually know where you need to go to get there. Some buildings have entrances in unexpected places, so you might find yourself running around the outside of the building looking for the way in. Other businesses are spread across multiple buildings (especially big ‘campus style’ tech companies, and of course, actual university campuses).

Double check the information you have to ensure you know where you’re going. If your interview is near where you live or work already, and you have time, try and take a walk around the area a day or so before your interview so it feels familiar. If you don’t have the time, scope out the address on Google Streetview to give yourself an advantage.


Make sure you do your research into the job and the company. Reread the job description, and put it side by side with your CV, so you know where you have the most to say. Make sure you can address every key point they’re looking for with an example from your previous career (or personal life! Your hobbies could help to make you the ideal candidate, especially if you’re changing careers).


Finally, spread all of this preparation work out across the days or week prior to your interview. Trying to do everything on the night before leaves you stressed, which makes it hard to sleep. The night before an interview should be reserved for finishing touches, so you can go to sleep feeling happy, confident and prepared.

Author Bio

Linn Gunderburger is a fashion blogger from Oslo. Linn is fond of fashion, travels a lot and enjoys taking photos to capture the most beautiful moments in life.